Why a GRE Test Score Is Non-Negotiable for US Study

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Why a GRE Test Score Is Non-Negotiable for US Study

Studying in the United States is a dream for many students around the world, and for good reason. For one, the USA is home to some of the world’s most prestigious universities. This means students in these institutions enjoy excellent academic acclaim, stellar support facilities, and modern classroom environments.

Additionally, the USA offers residents opportunities to meet, network and take a shot at world-class firms and individuals, who are redefining how the world operates in different global sectors. For instance, top tech giants like Apple, Meta, Adobe, Google, Alphabeta and Tesla are headquartered in the United States.

However, for most, the dream to study in the USA remains just that—a dream. For some, they simply cannot afford the high cost of tuition at these universities. It gets even worse when an individual has access to scholarship opportunities, but their poor first-degree results stand in the way of them achieving their lifelong dream on a silver platter.

What is the GRE Test?

The GRE [Graduate Record Examination] test is a multiple-choice test for graduates who want to further their education. Let’s say, for instance, you want to bag an MBA at Princeton University, a GRE test is your go-to option. Why? A GRE test, while not a clean slate, offers you a better chance of postgraduate studies, making your undergrad grades only a part consideration—especially if you ace the test. This simply means that hitting a high score on your GRE test will skyrocket the chances of the admission committee considering you for post-grad admission. You’ll typically be made to answer three sections; analytical writing, quantitative reasoning, and verbal reasoning.

Advantages of Taking the GRE Test

Apart from the elephant-in-the-room benefit of furthering your academic pursuit, why else should you take the GRE test?

User-Friendly Features

The GRE is arguably the most user-friendly international test on the planet. For one, candidates can skip, mark, review, and edit their answers. This allows them to retry questions that they had trouble answering the first time around. Also, as the GRE general tests can be taken up to five times per year with a minimum gap of 21 days between two consecutive tests, students have enough opportunities to try and fail—over and over again (not that you should though). Meanwhile, there is no upper age limit on the GRE. All you need are a Bachelor’s degree and the registration fee. Finally, the GRE test score is valid for five years; so, you don’t have to be in a rush.

International Student Quirks

As an international student prospect, you’ve certainly come across several quirky requirements that schools make you do. For instance, your undergraduate attempt may have had you studying for the IELTS or something like that. This is sort of a last-hurdle type of situation. Taking the GRE opens the possibility of getting your postgraduate studies abroad. While some schools in the USA or Canada don’t require it, as a foreigner, your chances exponentially surge, especially if you graduated with a 2:2 or third class.

Scholarship Options 

Some students go out on a limb—monetarily speaking—to fulfil their education dreams. Tuition in the USA and Canadian schools are high. However, a high GRE score could mean you’ll pay less, or nothing at all if you get a scholarship. These scholarships could come from private individuals, schools, or governments. One thing is for sure, however. A high GRE score could help you get access to funds for your postgraduate education.

Better Universities

The difference between a Harvard MBA opportunity and any regular school post-degree may be an above-mean score on your GRE test (no offence). Getting into your dream school in America often means that you need a high score on your GRE test. And, you’re lucky! Several of the topmost postgraduate facilities in the USA accept the GRE. So, taking the test automatically increases your chances of graduating from one of the best schools out there.

Better Jobs 

If you think like a multi-championship chess grandmaster, and like playing the long game, think of the GRE as a clandestine chess move. While the immediate consequence is getting into a good school, the GRE will spread the word about your cognitive and problem-solving capabilities, while making your resume all the more alluring to prospective employers.

Preparing to Ace the GRE Test

Now that you’re sure you need this test, the next agenda is acing it. We can confirm that it’s not your regular cookie-cutter test. But, we can also confirm that you can ace it.

Prepare Beforehand 

The biggest mistake you’ll make is to start preparing only days or hours before D-day. In this case, proper practice prevents poor performance. You should absolutely begin studying at least two months before the test.

Practice Critical Writing 

One of the sections on this test is analytical writing, where you’ll be tested on eloquence and articulation in understanding and presenting general issues. This is like a cheat code. Because, with analytical writing, the more you practice, the more you can dissect issues and arrive at valid conclusions.

Verbal and Quantitative Reasoning

Turn the clock back to primary school days for this one. Practice several verbal and quantitative problems, as they play a major part in this test. In fact, looking beyond the immediate benefits—the test obviously—will help you sharpen your reasoning skills and prepare you for the world ahead.


When writing any exam, a calm mind is the best hack. Make sure to prepare enough to be confident, and rest enough to be relaxed in the exam hall. Don’t let the pressure get to you. You can certainly do better than you know!

TPSeal Education Can Help!

With a 97% success rate, TPSeal can certainly help you get into an overseas school fitting your potential and discipline. We’ll practically hold your hand through the somewhat daunting process of international education. Should your dreams be studying in America, Europe, Asia, Canada, or Australia, you’re lucky! TPSeal’s mission is to walk side-by-side with you, on your journey to making this dream a reality. 

We offer various services including visa applications, guardianship procurement, and finding accommodation, among other school-related procedures. It’s our job to assist you in applying for the GRE and getting your postgraduate education. TPSeal will help you prepare for the test, give you a like-minded community of GRE applicants, and help you apply to top-tier schools after the test. Trust us to simplify the process of international education on your behalf.

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