Boarding Schools

Boarding Schools

We support parents and students to make the most important decision of choosing the right school that meets their requirements, with our specialist help you are certain to find a school that best suits your child’s needs. We have ongoing relationships with suitable Preparatory schools, Senior schools, and Colleges within the UK.

A boarding school education ensures students gain good qualifications, confidence, independence, and a breadth of interests - a true education for life!

Boarding Schools can be classified into three main types of independent school for students aged 7 to 18 years. These are:

  • Preparatory Schools (sometimes called junior schools) for students aged 7 to 11 or 13 years
  • Senior Schools (sometimes called secondary schools) for students aged 11 or 13 years to 16 or 18 years
  • Independent Colleges (which are often referred to as tutorial, sixth-form, or further education colleges) for students aged 16 and over