International Student Starter Pack: Things You’ll Need Before Day One of School

Best Courses To Study Abroad As a Nigerian Student
September 29, 2024

International Student Starter Pack: Things You’ll Need Before Day One of School

You’re probably already thinking up a few things that you have to do or you can’t call yourself a student. We are too! Why? Well, let’s just say without them, you won’t be prepared to live the daily student life which could be demanding. These things are actually very basic, but believe me, you won’t want to go into day one of school without doing any of them first.


Whether you’re staying on campus, or you’ll be commuting to and fro the school, you’ll need to sort it out before the first class. Finding the right accommodation often is a big challenge for international students, especially because they’re not familiar with the environment. You’ll require a house in the right location and proximity, with the right space, and around the right people. That’s where we come in, by the way. Finding a house is a top priority, and is always the first thing international students want to tick off the list. So make sure you do this as soon as you touchdown in your new location.

House Wares

While you may have gotten your new home, you’ll need materials to make your stay comfortable. Things like beds and beddings, pots and kitchenware, a table and chair, and other such things will make your studentship much more comfortable.

Bank Account

You’ll need a bank account to receive money from your sponsors. Say you’re in Switzerland which allows students to work many hours, a bank account is your best friend. Even if—especially if—you work a remote job, a bank account is non-negotiable. Luckily it’s not difficult to get one. Off the top of our heads, we can mention documents like international identifications, proof of residential address in the country, tax ID number, and other needed documents depending on the country. Moreover, there are different types of bank accounts you can open. However, we’ll advise you to create one that’s favorable to international students.


Before day one of school, you’ll obviously need pens and pads to take notes, read, and do assignments. Other materials like sticky notes and highlighters will also come in handy. As a varsity student, a PC certainly qualifies as stationery, given that you’ll need them for research. Fortunately, these things are the easiest to get and shouldn’t cause you any issues.


You may not need this one if your family is the wealthiest in your native country. But chances are, they’re not! International education has many demands, including financial ones. So, getting a job is very important if you’re to keep up with these demands. This job could be remote or onsite. The idea is to have a source of income before you have to start paying fees, levies, and whatnot.

Parting Words

Prepping for study abroad is not an easy process, and you’ll need guidance. TPSeal offers you hand-in-hand tutelage and first-hand experience in getting your studies abroad underway. We’ll walk you through the exact steps to get your dream study-abroad opportunity and assist you in getting it. Contact us to start the process.

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