Postgraduate/Grad school admissions (US and UK)

Postgraduate/Graduate school admissions (US and UK)

TPSeal Education provides top-notch consulting for admission to US & UK graduate and doctoral programs in all fields, including Law, Medicine, Computer Science, Engineering, and Political Economics. Whether you are aiming for Ivy League's, Oxbridge, or INSEAD,

Admissions Consulting

Comprehensive or flexible options, each including one-to-one consulting with a field-specific expert for your applications to graduate programs in the US or UK. This product includes candidacy development and full-service application support with an expert in your field, whether that be law, medicine, computer science, engineering, or another key area.

Long-Term Strategy

Receive an expert's evaluation of your academic and professional profile, their feedback on your academic and career goals, and their strategic guidance on preparing for your ideal graduate program. They will take note of quantitative and qualitative elements plus standardized testing needs

Application Support

Receive comprehensive application support, including 1:1 coaching on your personal narrative, essays, curriculum vitae, recommendation letters, and communications with your prospective advisors.

Program Research

Discuss fields, degree, and pathway options available to you with our team and receive tailored guidance on program research and finalized selection, with programs recommended according to your profile flavour, goals, resource preferences, and candidacy.

Expert Consulting

Working on a one-to-one basis, with an expert who not only has stellar applicant results but also knows your field inside and out. Our team includes professors, former academics, and medical practitioners. Obtain a bespoke report outlining best-fit options for you, along with strategic recommendations on how to strengthen your profile.

Fellowship Application Support

Comprehensive, one-to-one application support for applications to prestigious fellowships and scholarships, including Rhodes, Marshall, Fulbright, Knight-Hennessy, Commonwealth, and Chevening.


Ready to Begin Your Journey?

Speak with a Postgraduate/Graduate School Admissions (US and UK) Advisor today.
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