Standard School Search

School Selection Consultation – £1000

The School Selection service comprises an in-depth consultation meeting, followed by a list of recommended schools by our education consultant, all based on the specific needs of your family.

What you can expect from us for this service

Finding the best school for your child is what we strive to do. The School Search Service provides you with a report including a list of schools recommended by our consultant, following a consultation meeting in which they find out everything relevant about your child, your family, your circumstances and what is important for you in a school.

Our education consultant will be on hand for any follow-up advice or guidance you may need to move the process forward yourself and available for a follow up call within a year of your consultation to discuss anything else that may have arisen as part of this school search.

The classic school search considers all relevant details - your location, commute, budget (if looking at independent schools), education preferences and anything else that matters to you. We then consider everything from achievement data to extra-curricular activities to find the best schools for you. These may be in the independent and/or state sectors, depending on your needs. We can also provide data and advise on individual school admissions procedures, interviews, and entrance exams. Interview and exam support can be arranged at an additional cost.

The classic school search is appropriate when families need help and advice in identifying schools but prefer to navigate the admissions process alone afterwards. Families requiring further support through the application process – such as introductions to schools and arranging visits - can upgrade to our premier school consultancies.

Arranged on a personal basis according to your individual requirements, the complexity of your circumstances, and the number of hours and amount of work involved. The fee can be reviewed if requirements change. All school recommendations are objective and impartial. We act entirely on your behalf and independently of many schools.